The Big Man

by hilaryreinhart

Amid the choking deadline, I’ll just put the main idea here first, point by point.

  1. we, human is mythical creature. We mistify everything. As reasonable as we could be, we would still, for significant amount of time, perceive something with myth.
  2. internet as the fastest information provider is the biggest source of myth. Everything is never as it seems nevertheless, we fall for it that much. We are amazed by the presence of the non-existent and reaching the point of addiction, we are willing to give anything to them.
  3. this may explain how are the influencers emerged. They appear to have everything and we buy it. We enjoy the illusion of whatever they exhibit. It pleases us, it charms us, and even it gives us meaning but we don’t know how and why and at this point we mistify them.
  4. not only influencer, it also prevails on the politician, motivator, celebrity, or the self-proclaimed religious leader. And here I am again, clueless on the basis of value.
  5. what is value? How to value people?
